Press Release

Sponsors of Single-Payer Bill SB 562 to Testify at Assembly Select Committee Hearing on Universal Coverage

Cuidad de Salud es un Derecho Humano

“The future is single-payer and it is the legislature’s job to address the present crisis and plan for the future by moving SB 562 forward.”

Sponsors of the Healthy California Act, SB 562, the single payer bill pending in the California legislature, will present as panelists at the upcoming Assembly Select Committee Hearing on Universal Healthcare in California at the State Capitol in Sacramento, Wednesday, February 7.

Panelists will include Robert Pollin, Co-Director of the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI), University of Massachusetts-Amherst, and co-author of the financial study, Economic Analysis of the Healthy California Single-Payer Health Care Proposal SB 562. and Michael Lighty, Public Policy Director, National Nurses United, Stephanie Roberson, Senior Lead Legislative Advocate, California Nurses Association.

“Throughout these hearings the select committee members have heard how absolutely broken, Byzantine and costly our current system is, both in terms of money and human suffering. Despite this, some of the select committee members, including the co-chairs, continue to entertain the fantasy that it can be fixed by adding yet more patchwork programs,” said CNA co-president Malinda Markowitz, RN.

“The elephant in the room at every hearing so far, along with hundreds of single-payer supporters, has been SB 562, a bill that would guarantee comprehensive health care to all California residents,” said Markowitz. “The future is single-payer and it is the legislature’s job to address the present crisis and plan for the future by moving SB 562 forward.”

“The actions of the Trump Administration and Congress that will result in higher premiums and reduced access to care make it even more imperative that the legislators act now on SB 562,” said Markowitz.

Sacramento, Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2018

  • What: SB 562 Healthcare Bill sponsors present single payer bill at public hearing convened by the Assembly Select Committee on Health Care Delivery Systems and Universal Coverage
  • When: Weds. Feb. 7, 10 am – 5 p.m.
  • Where: State Capitol, Room 4202, Sacramento, Calif.
  • Media Availability: 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.  North Steps State Capitol Building

The public hearing is the fifth convened by the Assembly Select Committee on Health Care Delivery Systems and Universal Coverage. Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon created the select committee, which has no legislative power, as a stalling tactic, rather than follow democratic processes and allow SB 562 to move forward in the Assembly after it passed the Senate in June.

The grassroots campaign for the bill, including door-to-door canvassing by volunteer supporters in Assembly Districts throughout the state, has continued to gain momentum despite the legislative delay. In January 2018 alone, large enthusiastic contingents supporting SB 562 and single-payer marched in the Pasadena Rose Bowl Parade and the Martin Luther King March in Los Angeles. Hundreds also participated in the Women’s March in cities across the state carrying signs that read, “The Future is Single-Payer! #SB562,”and “Single-Payer Healthcare is Feminist.”

For more information on SB 562, including a complete financial analysis visit: