Press Release

Nurses’ #BernieBus In Dayton, Cincinnati Monday for Final GOTV

Nurses aboard National Nurses United’s #BernieBus have been connecting with voters in cities throughout Ohio all week—listening to the issues that impact residents’ lives—and will be heading to Dayton and Cincinnati today, Monday March 14, for a final get out the vote push ahead of Tuesday’s primary.

“In Ohio, jobs has been a major topic of conversation,” said Laura Dominguez, RN. “As nurses, we know that when people are struggling to make ends meet, they have to make terrifying choices, like ‘Do I pay for my medication or buy food for my children?’ No one should have to make those kinds of decisions. The #BernieBus is a hub for conversations about change, and we are really seeing a lot of support for Bernie as a champion of the revolution it will take to heal this country.”

#BernieBus RNs join CWA Ohio locals to canvass for Bernie Sanders in Cleveland.

This weekend, the nurses partnered with Communications Workers of America (CWA) Ohio locals to knock on doors in Cleveland. #BernieBus nurse Margie Keenan said, “It w as wonderful to work with my union brothers and sisters in the CWA—and the energetic Bernie volunteers. We met some great Cleveland residents excited to volunteer for Bernie and to get out the vote for him.”

Ohio CWA local 4340 member Mark Kundrat said he was inspired to come out and canvass for a candidate who he feels best addresses Ohio’s years of job loss—with 525,200 jobs lost between 2000-2010, according to the Ohio Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Bernie was against NAFTA from the beginning. We’ve lost so many jobs going to other parts of the world, and it’s affected our workers in this country immensely,” said Kundrat. 

DAYTON Bernie Bus Stops for Monday, March 14, 2016
Morning: University of Dayton – Nurses do voter outreach with students

CINCINNATI Bernie Bus Stops for Monday, March 14, 2016
Afternoon: Stops include sites such as University of Cincinnati, Union Station and Smale Riverfront Park.

Please contact Kari Jones for specific times, places to connect with bus: 510-207-4829

“We’re so impressed at how passionate the people we’ve met in Ohio are about Bernie,” said Jean Ross, RN. “Everywhere we go, we’re meeting people who are knocking on doors, who are wearing his gear, who have already voted for him. We were in Michigan before we came to Ohio, and we saw that same passion there. These Midwest states have lost so many jobs, and people here are ready for a change.”

National Nurses United, with over 185,000 members from all 50 states, is the largest organization of registered nurses in the U.S. and the first union to endorse Sanders, in August last year. Since then, NNU members have been organizing house parties, rallies and phone banks, and mobilizing door-to-door efforts in support of Sanders.

“From Nevada to New Hampshire, from Colorado to South Carolina, RNs have talked to voters and been reminded of the huge gaps in access to healthcare and education, concerns about retirement security, the jobs lost due to unfair trade deals, widespread inequality, and the escalating climate crisis,” said RoseAnn DeMoro, NNU Executive Director. “Bernie Sanders and the legions of grassroots activists around the U.S. who have joined him will not stop. The political revolution is just beginning.”

Please contact Kari Jones for specific times, places to connect with bus: 510-207-4829

#BernieBus RNs talk to Cleveland area Bernie supporter during weekend canvass.