Press Release
Nurses, Techs, and Community Hold a Candlelight Vigil for Patient Safety and Access to Services

The Maine State Nurses Association/National Nurses United will hold a candlelight vigil Wednesday evening to demand that the administration of Calais Regional Hospital restore recently cut services and staff hours so that patients in the community can continue to receive safe and accessible care.
The administration at CHR has recently eliminated the Special Care Unit as well as reduced service hours in cardiac, pediatrics and infusions. The hospital has also made reductions in the in-patient unit causing additional patient transfers due to a shortage of nurses on particular shifts. These eliminations and reductions will cause hardships to patients and their families who will be forced to seek care up to two hours away in addition to being costly.
The hospital has also has reduced the hours of dozens of front line and ancillary staff which could lead to safety issues as well as exacerbate the necessity to transfer patients due to shortages.
“These reductions are unacceptable. Patient care dollars should not be spent on consulting firms.” We are afraid that some patients will not get the care they need. Patients in Calais and the surrounding communities need to have a well staffed hospital. Nurses and staff are extremely concerned about the direction the hospital is moving to urge the administration to reverse the reductions.” Rebecca LaCasse, RN at CRH.
MSNA/NNU is asking the hospital to rescind the cuts to staff and services and re-prioritize their spending practices including ending their $412,000 per year contract with out-of-state consulting firm Quorum, increasing census by appropriately staffing the hospital to eliminate unnecessary transfers, and review billing practices.
Candlelight Vigil for Patient Safety at CRH
RNs, Techs from the Maine State Nurses Association and supporters
Wednesday, April 30, 2014 at 6:00 pm – 8:00pm
Triangle Park Downtown Calais
MSNA/NNU represents over 2000 nurses who work in facilities and agencies throughout the state of Maine. As the largest organization of nurses in the state, MSNA/NNOC is committed to improving the standards of nursing and patient care through collective bargaining, advocacy and organizing. MSNA is part of the National Nurses United representing over 180,000 RNs nation wide.