Press Release

Nurses and Health Care Workers Take Action Against Palomar Health’s Ratio Waiver and Commingling of Patients

Health care workers hold signs calling fo safe staffing

Nurses, caregivers, and community members are outraged at Palomar Heath CEO’s misinformation and blatant misrepresentation of actual critical low staffing and dangerous co-mingling of Covid-19 patients and non-Covid-19 patients assigned to nurses and caregivers. Health care workers were taken aback by the CEO, Diane Hansen, telling the media and the community that reports of commingling are appalling and false even after numerous community members and an overwhelming number of caregivers are providing statements that these improper actions are constantly happening, the California Nurses Association (CNA) and Caregivers & Healthcare Employees Union (CHEU) said today.

Internal documents from administrators of the Palomar Medical Center Poway and even a screenshot of an e-mail from the Palomar Health Infection Control Officer clearly shows  dangerous commingling was established as a practice, and in one e-mail, the action was cited as a means to increase productivity. These e-mails, the nurses say, are the direct result of the administration’s failure to prioritize safe patient staffing assignments.

Nurses say that public misrepresentation by the CEO in regards to actual conditions in the hospital places their patients, health care workers and the community at risk. This action is irresponsible, unethical and a failure of leadership by a public health officer. Nurses and Caregivers plan to publicly advocate against the ratio waivers and commingling during a virtual public Palomar Health Board Meeting.

What: Members of the public, Registered Nurses and Caregivers speak out at public meeting of the Board of Directors of Palomar Health; testimony of commingling assignments and unsafe staffing.
When: Monday, Dec. 14, 2020 at 6:30pm
Where: Regular Board of Directors Meeting

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