Press Release

Marin General RNs to Picket Wednesday Morning

Cite Patient Care, Workplace Safety Concerns 

Registered nurses will hold an informational picket outside Marin General Hospital in Greenbrae Wednesday morning to alert area residents about their concerns over issues they say affect patient and workplace safety.
What:             Nurses Picket
When:            Wednesday, July 22, 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Where:           Marin General Hospital, 250 Bon Air Rd., Greenbrae, CA

The RNs are in talks with hospital officials over a new union contract, and are pressing for action on proposals they say are needed to assure safe care at all times and reduction of workplace injuries. The California Nurses Association/National Nurses United represents some 470 Marin General RNs.
“Nurses are picketing on behalf of the public to shine a spotlight on the patient care issues we see every day at Marin General. We are here as advocates for our patients and our community,” said Barbara Ryan, Labor and Delivery RN and bargaining team member.  

Too often, nurses at Marin General are unable to take their breaks and lunches due to short staffing and inadequate break relief.  The result can be fatigued nurses, which can lead to errors and accidents that compromise patient safety. A key demand is for a dedicated resource nurse on each unit and shift to provide meal and break relief to ensure that all nurses receive sufficient rest.
“Nurses work 12-hour shifts and we often don’t receive the breaks we need to rest, eat, and use the restroom. This makes it very difficult for us to give our patients the care they deserve,” said Marin General RN Lynn Warner.

Another issue hospital officials have not addressed, say RNs, is safe patient lifting protections – for when patients need to be moved to reduce the danger of bedsores and infections, or to go to the bathroom.

Without safe practices, nurses can suffer debilitating injuries – an issue highlighted in an award-winning NPR series earlier this year – and patients can be exposed to falls and their own injuries. California has adopted legislation and regulations requiring all hospitals to implement safe patient handling procedures, but some hospitals have failed to implement improved protections.

Marin General RNs are advocating for a zero lift policy and the purchase of additional lift equipment. Nurses on the night shift are often forced to engage in unsafe lifting because Marin General does not currently have a dedicated lift team from 9pm to 5am.
In addition, nurses have proposed that the hospital hire an outside auditor to conduct a full assessment of workplace health and safety issues.
The nurses started contract negotiations with the hospital in December 2014 and have been bargaining for seven months. The next bargaining session is scheduled for July 31. The contract expired on February 12, 2015.