National Nurses United PAC: Fund for a Healthy America

Submitted by ADonahue on

Caring, compassion, and community — these are the values at the heart of registered nursing. This is true at the bedside, as nurses advocate for patients and families — and also beyond the walls of the hospital in our communities. National Nurses United, which represents nearly 225,000 nurses nationwide, seeks to uphold that positive vision for the health of this country by supporting federal government policies and candidates who champion nurses’ values. We do this through the National Nurses United Fund for a Healthy America, a non-partisan political action committee. 

Under federal law, the PAC cannot be financed by union dues money. Instead, it is solely dependent on voluntary contributions. Such contributions to the PAC are an important way nurses can advocate for our values in government, at the ballot box, and in our communities.

NNU’s Fund for a Healthy America supports candidates who champion the issues that matter most to RNs and who Vote Nurses’ Values:

  • Mandatory, minimum federal nurse-to-patient ratios
  • Preventing workplace violence in health care facilities
  • Protecting VA nurses and patients
  • Guaranteed health care for all through Medicare for All
  • Protecting the right of all workers to organize
  • Standing up for all forms of worker, racial, climate, and economic justice in the
    name of public health.

Champion nurses’ values and stand up for our patients and our communities. Become a monthly contributor to the fund for a Healthy America today.

Donate Today

Accepted Payment Methods

If you prefer to contribute by mail, download the printable form, and send with a check to:

NNU Fund for a Healthy America
8455 Colesville Rd, Suite 1100
Silver Spring, MD 20910

Legal Compliance

I understand that, should I choose to donate, my contributions will be used for political purposes, including the support of candidates for federal, state, and local office, in order to advance the interests of patients, health care providers, working families, and the labor movement. I also understand that contributions to the National Nurses United PAC: Fund for a Healthy America are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. I understand that I have the right to refuse to contribute without reprisal, that the guideline amounts listed are merely suggestions, and that NNU will not favor or disadvantage anyone by reason of the amount of their contribution or their decision not to contribute.