
Turn on the Water, DETROIT! Tax Wall Street! March & Rally Friday, July 18

Lay the blame for the manufactured crisis at the feet of those responsible: Wall Street Speculators, Gov. Rick Snyder, and Kevyn Orr

Join Registered Nurses as they declare a public health and humanitarian emergency related to the massive and unprecedented water shutoff occurring in Detroit. Nurses, Detroit residents, clergy, labor, environmentalists, Netroots Nation opinion leaders and many others will march and rally to condemn this most basic violation of human rights. Gov. Snyder is allowing the tragedy to continue with an endgame of privatizing the public water department — the latest in a string of gifts to Wall Street. The historic transfer of public wealth to private hands overseen by Snyder has cost the public jobs, pensions, vital public safety services, and our civic jewels. Now they have come for our water.

300,000 people are slated for water shutoff. Thousands are already suffering with turned off taps. No water for cooking, drinking, bathing, nor essential sanitation and human waste disposal.  RNs will highlight the massive health risks associated with lack of water. In addition, the banks are tearing families apart. Children are being forcibly taken from parents whose water is turned off.  Many of those parents owe as little as $150 on water bills.          

It is well established that banks created the financial collapse in Detroit through tactics ranging from predatory lending to the manipulation of “interest rate swap” markets.  Detroit’s “bad bets” were engineered by Wall Street and have cost the city hundreds of millions of dollars in dubious payouts to the banks – including a recent $85 million payment to two banks – BofA and UBS – that are heavily implicated in the financial ruin of Detroit.  That $85 million dollars flushed down Wall Street’s toilet is roughly the same amount that water customers owe in back payments. Let’s tax Wall Street, get our money back and turn on the water!

Let’s Tax Wall Street, Get Our Money Back, and Turn on the Water!


12:30 pm ASSEMBLE Outside Cobo Conv. Center Southwest corner of Washington Blvd. and W. Congress St.

1:00 pm MARCH Begins

1:45 pm RALLY Hart Plaza 1 Hart Plaza, Detroit

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Join a growing number of local, national, and international organizations: 

National Nurses United • Michigan Nurses Association • Netroots Nation • Metropolitan Detroit AFL-CIO • UAW Local 600 • AFSCME Council 25 • CWA Local 4004 • Unifor • Ontario Nurses Association • Health GAP • National Election Integrity Coalition • National Action Network – Michigan • Michigan Welfare Rights Organization • Democracy for America • Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions • Food and Water Watch • Moratorium NOW! Coalition • Detroit Eviction Defense • Detroiters Resisting Emergency Management • We the People of Detroit, Food Justice PMA • People’s Water Board • Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice • Stop Theft of Our Pensions Committee • Detroit Active and Retired Employees • Free Detroit No Consent • Detroit Public Schools Education Task Force • Detroit Water Brigade • Student Global AIDS Campaign • Coalition of Labor Union Women – Metro Detroit • Franciscan Action Network • Progressive Democrats of America • National People’s Action • Vocal-NY, We Are Woman, Color of Change • Winship Community Association – Detroit • Michigan Election Reform Alliance • Michigan United • Popular Resistance • East Michigan Environmental Action Council • Alliance for Democracy/Defending Water Campaign • Northside P.O.W.E.R • ERA Action • Progressive Congress •

List in formation