
Tell Your Legislators to Support the Rate Regulation Ballot Measure to Protect Patients

The California Nurses Association has endorsed an important patient and consumer protection measure that will be on the ballot this fall. It’s a measure to rein in the spiraling rates and premiums charged by the health insurance industry by requiring them to justify their price hikes.

This Wednesday legislators, that spent the past decade opposing rate regulation legislation, will hold a hearing in Sacramento to discredit the ballot measure. CNA members will be there to rally and participate in the hearing to let them know why the measure is needed.

The five big health insurance companies want this initiative to fail and have already spent $25.4 million to defeat it. Kaiser alone has spent $7.1 million against rate regulation!

It’s time for the public and the policy makers to hear from you!

“Kaiser nurses cannot stand by quietly while Kaiser is hiking rates, cutting care and accumulating vast reserves and using patient care dollars to defeat an initiative that begins to bring some accountability into high prices that insurers impose on patients and families.”

Katy Roemer RN, Kaiser Oakland.

Attend the rally and the hearing if you can.

What: Rally to support ballot measure for health insurance rate regulation followed by legislative hearing

When: Wednesday, July 2,  1:00 pm

Where: North steps of State Capitol Building

1400 Tenth St. Sacramento, CA

The hearing follows at 1:30 pm in Room 4203, State Capitol

Contact legislators to express your support for the ballot measure and rate regulation.  Use the sample script or your own words:

“I am a registered nurse and I work at _________ hospital in _______, CA. I see first-hand how high insurance rates and charges hurt patients. That’s why I support the ballot measure, endorsed by the California Nurses Association to regulate healthcare insurance rates. I want ________ (legislator's name) to show that s/he cares by supporting the initiative too - It's time for healthcare insurers to justify their rates.” 

If you recognize your representatives call them first. You can look up who represents your district here:

Then call as many of the others as you can. Thanks!


Senator Ed Hernandez (Chair) (916) 651-4024 Senator Mike Morrell (Vice Chair) (916) 651-4023 Senator Jim Beall (916) 651-4015 Senator Kevin de León (916) 651-4022 Senator Mark DeSaulnier (916) 651-4007 Senator Noreen Evans (916) 651-4002 Senator Bill Monning (916) 651-4017 Senator Jim Nielsen (916) 651-4004 Senator Lois Wolk (916) 651-4003


Richard Pan (Chair) (916) 319-2009 Brian Maienschein (Vice Chair) (916) 319-2077 Tom Ammiano (916) 319-2017 Susan Bonilla (916) 319-2014 Rob Bonta (916) 319-2018 Rocky Chavez (916) 319-2076 Wesley Chesbro (916) 319-2002 Jimmy Gomez (916) 319-2051 Lorena Gonzalez (916) 319-2080 Roger Hernandez (916) 319-2048 Bonnie Lowenthal (916) 319-2070 Allan Mansoor (916) 319-2074 Adrin Nazarian (916) 319-2046 Brian Nestande (916) 319-2042 Jim Patterson (916) 319-2023 Sebastian Ridley Thomas (916) 319-2054 Freddie Rodriguez (916) 319-2052 Donald Wagner (916) 319-2068 Bob Wieckowski (916) 319-2025

Thanks for taking action to hold the big healthcare insurance companies accountable and win better care and fair coverage for our patients, our families and our communities.

Deborah Burger, RN, co-president of California Nurses Association/National Nurses United.
