
San Bernardino County nurses ratify new pact

Registered nurses who work at Arrowhead Regional Medical Center (ARMC) and other San Bernardino County health facilities voted by 93 percent to ratify a new collective bargaining agreement.
The California Nurses Association/National Nurses United represents 1,200 RNs who work at Arrowhead and other health facilities.
The two-year agreement has provisions which include a minimum 7 percent pay increase over the duration of the contract.
"We are more than healthcare system, we are a community. This agreement represents us heading in a better direction as a county, where we attempt to make sure we as community have the vital resources we need to provide the best possible patient care," said Hector Sanchez, RN, when the tentative pact was first announced.
Nurses also welcomed contract language to ban the mandatory assignment of nurses to work outside their specialty areas of clinical expertise and ensure units are fully staffed with experienced, specialized nurses.
"This agreement is a victory for the nurses and patients of San Bernardino County," said Lieu Vo, RN. "We are proud that we stood up and will continue to make sure that our county system is a place that cares for all patients."