
Poll: ObamaCare enrollees less satisfied with insurance plans

ObamaCare enrollees are less satisfied with their plans than people with other types of health insurance, according to a new poll. 

The poll from the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions, the research arm of the consulting firm, finds that 30 percent of people with insurance through ObamaCare’s marketplaces are satisfied with their plans.

That compares with 42 percent satisfaction from people with employer-sponsored plans, 48 percent with Medicaid and 58 percent with Medicare. 

Cost is the most common reason cited for the dissatisfaction with ObamaCare. Republicans have attacked the high deductibles and other out-of-pocket expenses under the system. 

An analysis from the consulting firm HealthPocket found that last year the average deductible for a silver-level ObamaCare plan was $2,907, more than twice as much as the average deductible in an employer-sponsored plan.

Hillary Clinton has called for fixes to the law to “deal with the high cost of deductibles that put such a burden on so many working families.”

The poll finds that one in three ObamaCare enrollees had trouble paying their out of pocket expenses. 

Twenty-four percent of ObamaCare enrollees are confident they can get affordable healthcare when they need it, compared to 27 percent in employer-sponsored plans and 38 percent in Medicare. 

Still, 72 percent of ObamaCare enrollees who have used their benefits say they might not have been able to get the care without their coverage. 

Other polls have also shown much higher level of satisfaction. A Commonwealth Fund survey in June found 81 percent of people were satisfied with ObamaCare coverage.

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