
Oakland: Protesters Rally to Keep Youth Rehabilitation Center Open

About 150 people gathered Monday outside a teen addiction rehabilitation center to protest its possible closure.

Sutter Health's Alta Bates Summit Medical Center has been trying to shed Thunder Road Adolescent Treatment Centers for the past two years, which runs an annual $800,000 deficit. Alameda County is working with Sutter to find a provider to take over the program.

Demonstrators held red signs with slogans such as "Oakland needs Thunder Road. Protect our children, protect our future" and "Tell Sutter: Don't slam the door on our youth."

Speakers at Monday's rally organized by California Nurses Association called on Sutter to keep the center open.

"There's no other facility like this in the community. Thunder Road provides our young people hope," said Arnold Perkins, chairman of the Alameda County Juvenile Justice Delinquency and Prevention Committee.
Without the center, many youth would likely end up in jail at a much higher cost, he said.

Norman, whose last name is being withheld because he was a youth when treated, received care at Thunder Road, and said the therapists and staff were very good.

"I did a whole 360 in my life," Norman said. He asked what would happen to the youth at the center if Thunder Road closes.

"Most of these kids don't have no place to go except back to group homes and jails," he said.

Renee, a Thunder Road client in 2004, said she hated being there at the time but the staff did help her.

"I look back and see that if it weren't for Thunder Road, I wouldn't be here today," she said.

The facility is caring for about 25 youth, with the capacity to treat twice that many. It is not accepting new patients.

Sutter had negotiated with Edgewood Center for Children and Families to take over operation of Thunder Road. But Edgewood, which serves San Mateo and San Francisco counties, backed out.

Alameda County Healthcare Services Agency has been vetting potential providers, looking at state funding and working on a transition plan to present to Alameda County supervisors and Sutter.

On Monday, Sutter spokewoman Carolyn Kemp responded via email to inquiries made about the fate of Thunder Road, saying, "we continue to work with Alameda County on a long term solution. Today's board meeting was very productive. This is the first in many steps ahead of us."

In 2014, Sutter's income from hospitals, care centers and other services was $419 million, according to the CNA.

Protesters slammed Sutter, which as a nonprofit organization that receives tax breaks. It is required to provide community benefits to maintain its nonprofit status.

"This little resource provides hope," said Ethel Long-Scott, of Women's Economic Agenda Project. "These people are profiteering off the pain and illness of our community, and it's not OK."

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