
Nurse fired from Huntington Hospital to visit White House, discuss union efforts

A nurse who alleges Huntington Hospital fired her in retaliation for her unionization efforts will get her voice heard by President Obama later this week.

Allysha Almada leaves today for Washington, D.C. to participate in the White House’s Summit on Worker Voice on Wednesday. Her tour includes meetings with national AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders and a day along side Obama.

“I’m definitely excited to bring the message of the Huntington nurses to the White House and the Capitol,” Almada said at a send-off outside of Pasadena City Hall, where Councilman Victor Gordo awarded her with a “Courage Award.”

Gordo, a labor attorney, praised Almada for her efforts to unify the nurses at Pasadena’s only hospital.

“Frankly, Huntington Hospital should be embarrassed about what they’ve done,” he said of the firing.

The Summit on Workers Voice focuses on “how workers can make their voices heard in their workplace in ways that are good for the workers and businesses,” according to a White House release.

Huntington Hospital fired Almada and fellow nurse Vicki Lin in early August for allegedly violating hospital policies, but Almada said her suspension and subsequent termination came only a week after she spoke on a community panel.

Almada, who worked in the critical care unit, called Huntington Hospital her “second home,” noting that she was born there, later volunteered as a teen and went through her nurse’s training at the hospital. Her mother is also a Huntington nurse.

“Just because I got evicted for now, doesn’t mean I don’t want to go back,” Almada said of her efforts.

The hospital confirmed Almada and Lin’s departure from the hospital in August but declined to comment about Almada’s visit to the White House.

“As any responsible employers would do, we respectfully declined to comment on the specifics of a personnel issue, however we can say our guiding principles in decision making are based on ensuring patient safety — and providing the quality care we have consistently delivered as a trusted community resource,” said Jim Noble, executive vice president and chief operating officer, in a statement.

The California Nurses Association, which has been trying to form the union at the hospital, filed charges against Huntington Hospital with the National Labor Relations Board in August, including allegations of retaliation and unfair termination.

In April, a majority of nurses voted against union representation, but the association claims the hospital harassed, coerced and intimated nurses ahead of the vote.

David Johnson, organizing director for National Nurses United, said at Monday’s rally that the movement is about strengthening patient care and nurses’ voices. He pointed to local and federal investigations into bacterial infections possibly caused by endoscopes as an example of the need for changes.