
Next Steps to Ban Fracking in Maryland

People power will win this fight, but we’re not done yet.

Yesterday was an amazing sight to see: over 1,000 people from all across Maryland marched through the streets of Annapolis to demand a ban on fracking in our state. We stretched on for blocks and blocks as chants of “Don’t Frack Maryland, Ban Fracking Now!” rang through the air. The massive march culminated with an overflow rally outside of the State House, where incredible speakers from across the progressive movement laid out our vision for a safe, healthy, and frack-free Maryland.

Our movement to ban fracking in Maryland has never been bigger. The Don’t Frack Maryland coalition includes over 170 diverse organizations, and legislation to ban fracking has the support of more than 90 legislators, just shy of half the General Assembly.

We should all feel invigorated  about what we’ve accomplished so far (especially after such an amazing march yesterday!) but there’s still a lot of work left to do. Here are three quick things to do right now that will keep building the movement to ban fracking in Maryland, and keep the pressure on legislators in Annapolis:

  1. Call Senate President Mike Miller. Senator Miller may decide the fate of the fracking ban bill. That’s why people across Maryland are calling his office TODAY. Here’s how:
    1. Dial 888-997-5380
    2. Tell Senator Miller’s office, “My name is ____ and I live in ____. I’m part of the majority of Marylanders opposed to fracking in our state. Please support only a statewide ban on fracking in Maryland, and bring the fracking ban bill up for a vote in the Senate.”
  2. Send a message to your Senator and Delegates. A vote on the fracking ban could come up soon, so your other representatives still need to hear from you. Click here to send an email directly to your legislators in Annapolis.
  3. Make a donation to Food & Water Watch to support our work to ban fracking. Your time, passion, and voice are the most valuable tools in this fight. But, if you can, consider chipping in to support our work on this campaign.

There are only 38 days left before the legislative session ends in Annapolis. Votes on the fracking ban bill could come at any time, so we need thousands of people keeping constant pressure on legislators to act. Continue to email, call, and lobby your representatives. Write letters to the editor, share news and actions on social media, and get your friends and neighbors involved.

Democracy is not a spectator sport. Our action yesterday showed the power of this movement, but we must continue to work every day to ban fracking in Maryland. Let’s get it done.

Tell your legislators: ban fracking in Maryland!