
International Nurse News Round-Up


NSWNMA: Robin Hood Tax G20 Tour Highlights



Nurses plea for pay

Relatives fear underqualified staff posing as experts in nursing homes

Health groups continue to raise their voices as G20 gets underway

Brisbane activists sing Play School theme song to protest Federal Government’s planned cuts to ABC



Hockey millionaires and pharmacare tell you all you need to know about who the CTF really works for

Nova Scotia health-care unions at odds as binding arbitration looms



Nurses demand job security in planned NHS



Need more staff, say tired nurses at Vashi civic hospital



Nurses and midwives protest over €150 registration fee

2,000 nurses, midwives protest over hike in registration fee

Nurses and midwives vent fury at fee hike

Nurses vent anger against 50pc fees hike

Nurses and Midwives Protest Over Hike in Registration Fees

Nurses and midwives picket over hike in registration fees

Nurses and midwives to protest increased retention fees

More than 1000 nurses hold protest over registration fee (video)



Nurses to Strike Over Stalled Collective Bargaining Agreement



Enfermeras se manifiestan exigiendo la renovación total de la Corte
Nurses demonstrate demanding the total renovation of the Court



Profesionales de la Salud y enfermeras del Ejército peruano acataron paro
Health professionals and nurses of the Peruvian army comply with strike

Ejército peruano: enfermeras acatan hoy paro nacional de 24 horas (video)
Peruvian army: Nurses today abide by national strike of 24 hours (video)



Nurses press for better pay, treatment through union



Enfermeiros voltam à greve esta sexta-feira
Nurses to strike this Friday

Protesto: Enfermeiros em greve na sexta-feira após reunião com Governo
Protest: Nurses on strike on Friday after talks with Government

Enfermeiros: adesão à greve mantém-se nos 80%
Nurses: joining the strike remains at 80%



SATSE alerta de las posibles deficiencias en la asistencia en el Hospital de Osuna por la ausencia de contrataciones
SATSE alerts of potential deficiencies in care at the Osuna Hospital by the absence of recruitment



Hospitals braced for pay strike by NHS workers

NHS staff in Wales to receive 1% pay rise in new deal for 2015

Great Ormond Street tells nurses to work extra shift after pay error



Nurses win battle in California for mandated protections against Ebola

20,000 California Nurses Go On Strike Over Ebola Fears

DPH, Cal-OSHA Issue Ebola Guidelines for Calif. Hospitals

Nurses to Resume Talks with Kaiser After Strike

5 Unions Oppose Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline and Efforts to Force Its Approval

CMC nurses turn to community for support during contract negotiations

Energy high for insurgent aldermanic candidates

Spotlight: Ebola Preparedness, Nurse Vigils and Private Group Efforts in Africa

Nurses demand new Ebola protections

Nurses union: OSHA must tighten Ebola protection requirements

Nurses criticize CDC ‘paralysis’ on Ebola regs

Pinoy nurses in US demand better Ebola care preparedness, higher wages

Press Conference Urging Federal OSHA to Adopt Highest Ebola Safeguards

Reclaim Chicago endorses aldermanic candidates

Cal-OSHA says hospitals must provide Ebola protections for workers

Nurses criticize CDC ‘paralysis’ on Ebola regs

Filipino nurses in US join strike to protest lack of Ebola training

Nurses union calls on OSHA to mandate ‘optimal’ Ebola gear

Kaiser is big, rich, and can afford to meet the nurses’ union demands

Nurses criticize US government over Ebola safety measures

Nurses Stage Nationwide Protest over Ebola Protection, Protocols

New Ebola regulations require more protection for California nurses

UC Nurses Participate in Nationwide Strike

VIDEO: Rally at Minnesota state capitol urges nurses to file OSHA complaints over Ebola unpreparedness

California adopts tough Ebola-protection rules for health workers

Kaiser nurses strike amid contract negotiations

Cal-OSHA expands Ebola standards to protect hospital workers

Nurses strike is part of larger labor push

Kaiser nurses strike in Roseville over staffing

Nurses call on OSHA to follow landmark Ebola standards

Leominster Hospital RNs holding food drive Nov. 22 for Ginny's Helping Hands

Rally at Minnesota state capitol urges nurses to file OSHA complaints over Ebola unpreparedness (video)

Nurses turn to community for support during contract negotiations

Nurses demand new Ebola protections

Nurses union calls on OSHA to follow CAL/OSHA Ebola standards

Nurses urge OSHA to adopt California’s Ebola safeguards

California announces new rules to ensure safety of nurses taking care of Ebola patients