International Nurse News Round-Up
- Headline: Health representatives and unions lash out at State Government over state of the health system
- Headline: Tasmania's health system underfunding costing lives, doctors and health unions say
- Headline: Tasmanian peak health bodies call for additional healthcare funds
- Headline: Health representatives and unions lash out at State Government over state of the health system
- Headline: NSW Nurses and Midwives Association calls on state government to improve nurse to patient ratios
- Headline: Community forum on Shellharbour Hospital's future
- Manchete: Representantes de enfermeiros são impedidos de participar de reunião
Headline: Nurses' representatives are barred from attending a meeting - Manchete: Prefeitura, Hygia e Sindicato da Saúde se reúnem no Ministério do Trabalho
Headline: City Hall, Health Ministry, and Health Union to meet at the Ministry of Labor - Manchete: Enfermeiras são expostas à violência em unidades públicas de saúde em Maceió
Headline: Nurses exposed to violence in public health units in Maceió
- Headline: Parkade construction at Foothills Medical Centre a big inconvenience for patients, visitors and staff
- Titre: Attente aux urgences: du camouflage de patients, selon des intervenants
Headline: Waiting for emergencies: the hiding of patients, according to stakeholders
- Titre: Céline Laville infirmière à Poitiers
Headline: Meet Céline Laville, nurse in Poitiers - Titre: Quel président pansera les plaies des infirmiers ?
Headline: Which president will heal the wounds of nurses? - Titre: Les infirmiers du bloc opératoire de l'hôpital de Saint-Lizier toujours en grève
Headline: The nurses of the operating room of the Saint-Lizier hospital still on strike
- Titular: Enfermeras paralizan labores por el acoso laboral de una doctora
Headline: Nurses on work stoppage over claims of doctor's bullying - Titular: En paro de labores amanecen enfermeras del hospital Leonardo Martínez de SPS
Headline: Nurses at Hospital Leonardo Martinez on strike
- Headline: Irish Nurses union INMO to enter government talks aimed at solving the staff crisis in hospitals
- Headline: Still waiting for beds
- Headline: Six fold increase of patients on trolleys in Portlaoise hospital
- Headline: University Hospital Limerick remains high on overcrowding charts
- Headline: Overcrowding worsens at Naas Hospital
- Titular: ONG brindan respaldo a enfermeras en huelga de hambre en Chiapas
Headline: NGOs provide support to nurses on hunger strike in Chiapas - Headline: Nurses’ hunger strike ends after 10 days
- Titre: Les infirmiers marocains en grève le 19 avril
Headline: Moroccan nurses on strike April 19 - Titre: Les infirmiers et médecins en grève le 19 avril dans les hôpitaux publics
Headline: Nurses and doctors on strike on April 19 in public hospitals - Titre: Grève nationale des infirmiers le 19 avril
Headline: National Nurses' Strike April 19 - Titre: Grève des infirmiers- les explications du ministere de la Sante
Headline: Nurses' Strike: Explanations from the Health Ministry
New Zealand
- Headline: Government announces historic pay equity deal for care workers
- Headline: New Zealand government offers $2bn pay settlement to 55,000 care staff
- Headline: Unions back care worker pay settlement
- Headline: Historic pay increase for workers in female dominated industry
- Headline: Pay rise for more than 2000 carers in Northland
South Africa
- Titular: La temporalidad en la sanidad pública extremeña alcanza el 33%, según el sindicato Satse
Headline: Turnover in the public health sector reaches 33%, according to the union Satse - Titular: Satse asegura que existe un "entramado" para falsear las listas de espera
Headline: Satse says there is a "framework" to falsify waiting lists - Titular: Condenado por agredir a dos enfermeros de la Unidad de Neonatología del hospital Costa del Sol
Headline: Condemnation for assaulting two nurses in Neonatology Unit of the Costa del Sol hospital - Titular: Satse denuncia que la EOXI de Vigo impide a una enfermera la conciliación familiar
Headline: Satse claims that the EOXI of Vigo prevents a nurse family reconciliation - Titular: Los sindicatos piden equilibrar la nota de oposición y la experiencia en el SES
Headline: Unions call for balancing the note of opposition and experience in the SES - Titular: Enfermeros españoles: entre paro y empleo precario o emigrar
Headline: Spanish nurses: between unemployment, precarious employment and immigrating - Titular: Las enfermeras organizan un curso de defensa personal
Headline: Nurses organize a self-defense course - Titular: Las enfermeras aprenden defensa personal
Headline: Nurses learn self-defense - Titular: Enfermería se dota de recursos personales contra las "continuas agresiones"
Headline: Nurses combat workplace violence with personal training - Titular: Dos sentencias señalan la "incompetencia" de gerentes de centros del SAS para modificar turnos
Headline: Two sentences signal the "incompetence" of SAS managers in changing shifts - Titular: Condenan a ocho meses de prisión a un padre que agredió a dos enfermeros
Headline: A father who assaulted two nurses was sentenced to eight months in prison - Titular: Satse critica la falta de jornadas reducidas
Headline: Satse criticizes the lack of reduced days
United Kingdom
- Headline: Seventeen nurses a day applying for payday loans to make ends meet
- Headline: Nurses in North Yorkshire ballot over strike action
- Headline: Diminishing resources make for higher stress levels
- Headline: Blackpool hospital signs off two staff every day
- Headline: Nursing unions respond to plans for snap general election
- Headline: Sheffield hospital bosses defend plans to hire extra managers following shake-up
- Headline: Special report: Sheffield hospitals spend huge sum on agency staff to fill gaps in the rota
- Headline: Health bosses have not addressed 'burning issue' of staffing, say nurses
- Headline: Direct link between low nurse staffing and risk of patient mortality revealed by study
United States
- Headline: Could California become the next Canada for health care?
- Headline: Local Town Hall Highlights Single-Payer Health Care Bill
- Headline: Single-Payer Health Care Is Seeing Record Support in Congress
- Headline: Single Payer in the Golden State
- Headline: Nurses celebrate big win at Kindred Hospital with overwhelming vote to join the California Nurses Association
- Headline: Town Halls Focused On Universal Healthcare Set For Sonora
- Headline: Single-payer health care is subject of Town Hall meeting
- Headline: Supporters explain health care bill, cost not yet known
- Headline: Can California’s ‘right to try’ law help save terminal patients?
- Headline: Federal EPA Administrator Visits Lead-Contaminated East Chicago
- Headline: Speaker to cover health care options