
International Nurse News Round-Up


Nurses’ Demonstration
Manifestación de enfermeras



Traffic in the city was affected by three union protests
El tránsito en la ciudad se vio afectado por tres protestas sindicales

Strike in the Isidoro Iriarte Hospital in Quilmes demanding police presence and supplies
Paro en el Hospital Isidoro Iriarte de Quilmes en reclamo de presencia policial e insumos



Hadoop is the Best Medicine for the Australian Healthcare Industry

Red  Cross  Blood  Service  hires  ‘cheaper’  workers

Violent resident has Lyndoch nurses fearing for safety

Violent Lyndoch resident transferred

Violent nursing home resident creates staffing headache

Mentors nurse mental health skills

Tasmanian Government withdraws pay freeze bill, 500 more public sector jobs to go

Queensland nurses, midwives secure wage rise



Nurses and technicians paralyze activities in the largest maternity hospital in the PI
Enfermeiros e técnicos paralisam atividades na maior maternidade do PI

Trade unionists prevented from holding meeting in Cemar
Sindicalistas impedidos de fazer reunião no Cemar



Nurses applaud Health Ministers stand on national prescription drug plan

FIQ asks Minister Gaétan Barrette to stop all cuts in services to the public and in health care
La FIQ demande au ministre Gaétan Barrette de faire cesser toutes les coupes dans les services à la population et dans les soins de santé

Nova Scotia health authorities merger explained

Stephen McNeil goes after Nurses unions first, are doctors next?

Canada's nurses say safe staffing critical for safe patients


Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic: Nurses maintain strike in Arturo Grullón hospital
REPÚBLICA DOMINICANA: Enfermeras mantienen paro en hospital Arturo Grullón

Nurses say they are not afraid to intensify struggle in search for better pay
Enfermeras dicen no temen en arreciar lucha en busca de mejora salarial

Nurses and taxi drivers protested in Dominican city
Enfermeras y taxistas protestaron en ciudad dominicana



300 striking pharmacists and nurses demonstrate in Chartres
300 pharmaciens et infirmières grévistes manifestent à Chartres



Nurse absence of one month from his duties in the Cardiac Unit after attack during riot
Ένα μήνα εκτÏŒς εργασίας μένει νοσηλευτής...



Hospital suspends various services
Hospital suspende varios servicios



Nurses and midwives hit out at 50% hike in registration fee

Clare patients shortchanged by unsafe overcrowding

INMO calls for emergency plan at University Hospital Limerick to tackle overcrowding

‘Overcrowded and clinically dangerous’: Nurses criticise conditions at Mullingar hospital



Nurses' union official ejected from conference in Eldoret



Health workers preparing strike in Las Choapas
Preparan paro trabajadores de salud en Las Choapas

Protest at Xalapa hospitals in 4 municipalities
Protestan en Xalapa hospitales de 4 municipios



Gaza hospital employees on strike after 5 months without wages



Lack of nurses in Orthopedics in the Feira hospital. “Roça the scandalous.”
Faltam enfermeiros na Ortopedia do hospital da Feira. "Roça o escandaloso"

Nurses, workers in the Metro and judicial officials on strike: Strong wave of protest
Enfermeiros, trabalhadores do Metro e funcionários judiciais em greve: Forte onda de protesto

Strike postpones consultations and surgeries
Greve adia consultas e cirurgias


South Africa

Nursing body highlights health care staff shortages



Urkullu confronts Osakidetza workers in a protest
Urkullu se encara con los trabajadores de Osakidetza en una protesta

The nurses union says that 30% of the workforce of Servet has requested a transfer
El Sindicato de Enfermería dice que el 30% de la plantilla del Servet ha pedido un traslado

SATSE calls for more nurses for the new child health program
El Satse pide más enfermeras para el nuevo programa de salud infantil



Miliband makes nurses key to his election strategy

Consultants get bonuses as nurses denied pay rise

Nurses face fight to keep extra pay for working unsocial hours if 24/7 services are introduced



Nurses Voice Concerns Over Hospital Preparedness as US Responds to Ebola Patient

Texas Hospital Error Highlights Need for Broader Ebola Training

As Officials Track Texas Ebola Victim's Contacts, Criticism and Questions Mount

Nurses Call on U.S. Hospitals to Improve Emergency Preparedness

RNs, others raise concerns over Ebola preparedness, in wake of first US. case

Ebola in the US: the risks and the response to the first case

Texas Ebola patient told hospital of travel from West Africa but was released

Mass. nurses, state clash over Ebola preparedness

Nurses Union: Providence hospital employees feel pressured to work when ill

Nurses union meets with Providence administration to discuss issues in light of TB exposure (video)

Saint Vincent nurses picket hospital

Nurse-patient ratio law takes effect

Massachusetts hospital staffing law takes effect

New Law Requires Hospitals To Intensify Violence Prevention Efforts

California’s nurse-to-patient ratio law and occupational injury

At Climate Change March, Unionists Push Drive Against Global Warming

Higher nurse-to-patient standard improves staff safety

Prop 45 Health Insurance Reform Debates Heats Up

California Nurses Say YES to Prop 45 (video)

Nurses’ Unions Send Thousands to Climate March, Call Global Warming a “Health Care Emergency”

Higher nurse-to-patient standard improves staff safety

A one third drop in occupational injuries to nurses following mandated staffing ratios in California

Mass. nurses tout new staffing law amid national concern about Ebola readiness

Athol Hospital Nurses Vote to Unionize with Massachusetts Nurses Association/NNU

St. Vincent Hospital nurses plan informational picket to call for additional staff

Morton Hospital in Taunton says it's ready to handle potential Ebola case

RNs, others raise concerns over Ebola preparedness, in wake of first U.S. case

Brown Signs One Health Care Worker Safety Bill, Vetoes Another

First Yes On Prop 45 Advertisement Shows Real Nurses Exposing Plight Of Real Patients In Hands Of Price-gouging, Penny-pinching Health Insurance Companies, Says Consumer Watchdog Campaign

Tuberculosis scare: El Paso Health Dept. still looking for families nearly two weeks later

St. Vincent Nurses Demand Contract Resolution, Better Patient Care

Nurses Say US Hospitals Not Ready for Ebola, Change Needed After TB Scare in El Paso