
International Nurse News Round-Up


One Planet, One People: Global Nurses United (video)



Nurses stage Ebola ‘die-in’ on Las Vegas Strip

Nurses rally together to highlight need for world care

Nurses to march on Vegas Strip about Ebola prep

Why Aren’t the Health Workers Fighting West Africa’s Ebola Epidemic Being Given Basic Protective Gear?

Hundreds protest in US over Ebola outbreak

Nurses march for Ebola awareness in Las Vegas

Nurses stage Ebola 'die-in' on Las Vegas Strip (video)

Nurses Stage Massive Protest on Las Vegas Strip, Highlighting Need for Ebola Readiness



NSW nurses campaign for public hospital



More Strike Talks Today



Public workers take positive but cautious approach with new minister



Congresswoman Turres saluted with strike of nurses of Puerto Montt hospital and questioned director
Diputada Turres se cuadró con paro de enfermeras del hospital de Puerto Montt y cuestionó a director


Dominican Republic

Nurses go on strike for better conditions for hospitals
Enfermeras inician huelga por mejores condiciones para hospitales

Hospital nurses on strike in Santiago threaten to radicalize struggle
Enfermeras en huelga en hospital de Santiago amenazan con radicalizar lucha

Nurses go on strike in hospitals town of Barahona
Enfermeras inician huelga en hospitales de municipio de Barahona

Nursing association convenes its members to hold labor stoppage
Asociación de Enfermería convoca a sus afiliadas a realizar paro de labores

Nurses of Arturo Grullon have a week on strike
Enfermeras del Arturo Grullon tienen una semana en paro



Health professionals in Paris protest cuts
Profesionales sanitarios protestan en París contra recortes



Nursing Students Strike over Stipend



Putting patient safety first and foremost

Nurses protest over staff shortages and a lack of beds at Galway University Hospital

Galway nurses protest at hospital hall

Varadkar ‘hopeful’ HSE waiting times will start to improve

Limerick hospital group in financial trouble



Striking nurses storm county offices in Uasin Gishu

Nurses in talks to end strike

Nurses Put Off Boycott

Uasin Gishu Nurses Call Off Three-Week Strike



Arequipa: Nurses of Honorio Delgado Hospital will abide strike
Arequipa: enfermeras del hospital Honorio Delgado acatarán paro



Militant health workers stage rally at House



Portuguese nurses strike over pay, working hours

Portuguese nurses on strike
Les infirmières portugaises en grève

Portuguese nurses on strike protest in front of the Health Ministry
Enfermeros portugueses en huelga protestan frente al Ministerio de Sanidad

Nurses on strike “visit” Paulo Macedo
Enfermeiros em greve "visitam" Paulo Macedo

Nurses maintain strike after proposal of 700 hires in 2015
Enfermeiros mantêm greve após proposta de 700 contratações em 2015

Strike: Several hundreds of nurses concentrated in front of Health Ministry
Greve: Várias centenas de enfermeiros concentrados em frente ao Ministério da Saúde


South Africa

Denosa Northern Cape Calls On Provincial Government to Address Severe Shortage of Nurses in Namaqua District



NHS staffing crisis set to deepen as thousands of doctors opt to work overseas

Even nurses have to pay bills and rent, you know



Why America’s Nurses Are Burning Out

Crozer-Chester nursing strike continues into day two

Crozer braces for nurses' strike

Barbara Lee Was Right in 2001. She’s Still Right Now.

California Ratios Anniversary Video

Protesters 'sound the climate alarm' in global marches

Headine: UMHS reverses parking policy upon protest by Michigan Nurses Association

Brigham and Women’s nurses sue over flu shot mandate

San Pablo casino might buy Doctors Medical Center

Hospital Mergers Put Women’s Health at Risk

New York nurses press for higher staffing levels; hospitals say formulas don't always work
