
International Nurse News Round-Up

USA/Sierra Leone

No Confirmed Ebola Cases in US, but Virus Still Rages in Sierra Leone


Aged care spared government’s GP co-payment

Warranties run out at new hospital

On the many ways that federal policies are hitting Tasmanians’ health


Enfermeiros podem parar amanhã no Hospital Evangélico de Dourados
Nurses can strike tomorrow at Dourados Evangelical Hospital

Enfermeiros da Santa Casa decidem esperar mais dois dias por salários
Santa Casa nurses decide to wait two more days for wages


Health care workplace violence an epidemic, says Ontario nurses' union leader

‘Significant strides’ made in addressing Alberta nurses’ Ebola concerns, union head says

Alberta unions urge Jim Prentice not to cut public services

Nova Scotia bill shrinking number of health unions violates constitution: unions

Showing Support

ER crunch

Health care workplace violence an epidemic, says Ontario nurses union leader

Offres de Québec: les syndicats crient au vol de leurs acquis

Quebec offers: unions shout theft of their acquired

Fronde syndicale après les offres du gouvernement
union sling after government offers

Costa Rica

Albino Vargas: "Presidente Solís pasa a la historia"
Albino Vargas: “President Solís became history”


Iran: Les infirmières manifestent contre les bas salaires
Iran: Nurses protest against low wages


‘Detached, isolated and ill-informed HSE’ at play in Áras Attracta, says nurses group

Nurses ask public to support lunchtime protest

'It's disgusting' - nurses at breaking point over 41 patients on Beaumont trollies

Shocking scenes as patients forced to wait on trollies in our hospitals

INMO calls for hospital to go off-call to ease overcrowding


Israel's health system in critical condition


Enfermeras de Jalisco no se sumarán a protestas
Nurses of Jalisco won’t join protests

Marchan enfermeras en Acapulco
Nurses march in Acapulco

Marchan enfermeros contra reforma laboral
Nurses march against labor reform


Nursing in Pakistan: Handle with care


Hospital de Santarém autorizado a contratar mais 60 enfermeiros

Santarém Hospital authorized to hire 60 more nurses

Enfermeiro fica 25 dias sem folga

Nurse gets 25 days without clearance


Satse pide a la Comunidad más posibilidades para conciliar la vida familiar y labora

SATSE asks of the community more possibilities to reconcile familiar and work life


Labour warns of skills gap after exodus of senior nurses from NHS

Nurse Bill seeks to set safe staffing levels on wards

Exhausted nurse who took his own life was working 12 hour days with no time for food


Nurses’ strike is about preserving San Bernardino County patient care: Guest commentary

Lawmakers to push for tougher penalties for assaulting health care workers

Health official: Nurse staffing law to include neonatal ICU

BMC Nurses Picket For Increased Staffing

Nurses Plan Picket Over Contract Disputes

Health Alliance to hold 'patient safety' vigil today

California nurses strike at San Bernardino Hospitals

Ebola nurses demand better protection

Nurses at Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital Ready to Strike to Stop Erosion in Patient Care

SVMH nurses vote to authorize strike

Memorial Hospital nurses vote to authorize a strike.

Nurses Picket Against Float Pool, Mandatory Overtime

50 of the most powerful people in healthcare

COLTON: Nurses' strike begins at Arrowhead Regional

COLTON: Nurses strike set to end; no new talks on tap

Striking San Bernardino County nurses set to return to work Thursday

Hundreds of county nurses strike at Arrowhead Regional Medical Center in Colton

Nurses strike looms at ARMC

Hospitals' nurses plan picket

San Bernardino County patients moved for 2-day nurses strike

Dennis Taylor: CEO pay hinders SVMH in labor strife

Striking San Bernardino County nurses set to return to work Thursday

COLTON: Nurses strike set to end; no new talks on tap

PHOTOS: Massachusetts Nurses Association pickets BMC for inadequate staffing

Health official: NICUs fall under nurse staffing law

Nurses strike for two days at Arrowhead Regional Medical Center

Coal plants, petcoke remain hot issues in Chicago elections

Nurses at New York Methodist Hospital rally for ‘safe staffing’

Coal plants, petcoke remain hot issues in Chicago elections