Global Nurses United Press Clips

Photo: REX
Burkina Faso
- Headline: OPINION: McNeil’s help needed to deliver national pharmacare to Nova Scotia
- Headline: Manitoba nursing union slams province over new report showing decline in nurses
- Headline: 500 fewer nurses in Manitoba last year: CIHI report
- Headline: Manitoba’s Government Said They’d Find ‘Efficiencies’ in Healthcare. Now They’re Shutting Down Emergency Rooms.
- Headline: Decision on when to close Seven Oaks ER still pending
दिल्ली में नर्सेज की हड़ताल आज भी जारी, स्वास्थ्य सेवाओं पर पड़ा असर
Headline: Nurse's strike in Delhi continues today, impact on healthcare services - Headline: Safdarjung nurses protest to demand permanent jobs
- Headline: Nurses raise voice for recruitment
- Headline: Tribal nursing students protest by “crawling” to CM residence
- Headline: Nurses end dharma, threaten fast unto death
- Headline: Most assaults in HSE hospitals against nurses
- Headline: Don’t Do Striking Workers’ Jobs, Nurses Union Tells Placement Students
- Headline: 6,000 face cancellations as three-day strike looms
New Zealand
- Headline: 23 MPs still undecided on euthanasia vote
- Headline: Most nurses recognise pay negotiation gains - NZNO
Titular: Clínicas: marcha hasta el Rectorado de la UNA
Headline: Clinics: March to the Rector of the UNA -
Titular: Enfermería UNA se manifiesta y reclama nivelación salarial
Headline: UNA nursing demonstrates and demands salary leveling
Título: Sindicato quer data da reposição da água quente no hospital de Évora
Headline: Union wants date of the replacement of hot water in the hospital of Évora -
Título: Enfermeiros resistem às 40 horas semanais nas USF do Algarve
Headline: Nurses resist 40 hours a week in the Algarve USF
South Africa
- Headline: 'No money' to hire newly qualified nurses: Limpopo health department
- Headline: About 400 newly qualified nurses without jobs in Limpopo
Titular: Satse y sindicatos europeos abordan el "grave problema" de la violencia en el trabajo
Headline: Satse and European unions address the "serious problem" of workplace violence -
Titular: Apoyo ciudadano y profesional generalizado a la Ley de Seguridad del Paciente
Headline: Citizen and general professional support for the Patient Safety Law -
Titular: Modifican el baremo de méritos en el concurso del transporte sanitario
Headline: Modify the merit scale in the health transport contest -
Titular: Satse alerta de "colapso permanente" en urgencias del Virgen del Rocío y se movilizará para pedir más personal
Headline: Satse alert to "permanent collapse" of the Virgen del Rocío emergency room and will mobilize to ask for more personnel -
Titular: Satse: "Aumentan el número de plazas EIR en Cataluña, pero siguen siendo totalmente insuficientes"
Headline: Satse: "They increase the number of EIR places in Catalonia, but they are still totally insufficient" -
Titular: SATSE Madrid asegura que el SERMAS cerrará «miles de camas hospitalarias» en verano
Headline: SATSE Madrid ensures that SERMAS will close "thousands of hospital beds" in summer -
Titular: Satse denuncia la agresión sufrida por un equipo de la UVI
Headline: Satse denounces attacks suffered by UVI team -
Titular: Satse critica el cierre de los centros de salud de la provincia de Córdoba en las tardes de verano
Headline: Satse criticizes the closure of health centers in the province of Cordoba during summer afternoons -
Titular: SATSE presenta el requerimiento para iniciar el contencioso-administrativo por las bolsas de trabajo
Headline: SATSE submits requirements to begin administrative litigation through work exchanges -
Titular: Enfermería advierte de que este verano cerrarán 420 camas hospitalarias
Headline: Nurses warn that 420 hospital beds will close this summer -
Titular: Condenan al Seris a resolver las peticiones de carrera profesional 2009-2011
Headline: Seris ordered to resolve professional career applications from 2009-2011 -
Titular: Los enfermeros del HUC piden más personal para abordar las muestras
Headline: HUC nurses demand more personnel for taking blood samples
United Kingdom
- Headline: Drop in Cumbria trainee nurse applications 'worrying'
- Headline: NHS Forced To Use Emergency Beds To Cope With Rising Demand
- Headline: Safe nurse staffing petition delivered to health secretary's door
United Kingdom/United States
United States
- Headline: As Black Women Face Maternal Health Crisis, Jackson Park Hospital Plans To Shut Down OB/GYN Unit — And Nurses Are Fighting Back
- Headline: As Pride month ramps up to its big finale, nurses will never stop being LGBTQIA+ allies
- Headline: Mercedes Martinez’s “homework assignment”: Keep Puerto Rico in mind
- Headline: North Memorial, nurses union reach tentative contract deal
- Headline: Activists say they're accepting nothing less than Medicare for all
- Headline: States lead the way on mitigating workplace violence in health care settings
- Headline: California Nurses Association and St. Joseph Hospital Officials go Before the Attorney General’s Office Regarding Proposed Partnership
- Headline: Nurses at Long Beach Memorial, Miller hospitals picket for change in staffing ratios
- Headline: Nurses voice concerns about patient safety, health care in face of St. Joseph Health merger
- Headline: Nurses reach tentative agreement with North Memorial hospitals
- Headline: Why nurses are going door to door for Medicare for All
- Headline: This is why nurses at Long Beach Memorial, Miller Hospitals will be picketing Monday
- Headline: Hundreds of nurses picket in Long Beach for safe staffing, ‘competitive wages’
Titolo: Gli attivisti dicono che non accettano niente di meno di Medicare per tutti
Headline: Activists say they do not accept anything less than Medicare for everyone - Headline: Elon Musk’s compensation is 40,000 times more than the average Tesla worker