Global Nurses United Press Clips

- Headline: Fulham Prison nurses escalate industrial action this week
- Headline: CNurses seek pay rise
- Headline: Tasmanian hospital workers to step up industrial bans
- Headline: Public sector unions flag full-day strikes as latest Tasmanian Government pay offer rejected
- Headline: Tasmanian public sector unions vow increased industrial action
- Headline: Macarthur nurses band together to fight for better staff to patient ratios
- Headline: Illawarra NSWNMA members step up campaign for ratios
- Headline: Election candidates pledge to reinstate registered nurses around the clock
- Headline: State of emergency: healthcare a sore point in NSW election
- Headline:Singleton and Maitland nurses rally in support of improved nurse to patient ratios
- Headline:Hundreds of health jobs vacant across NSW
- Headline: QCanada’s national pharmacare should include a national drug agency and formulary: report
- Titre: Agression sauvage d'une infirmière à l'hôpital Georges-L.-Dumont
Headline: Brutal assault of a nurse at the Georges-L.-Dumont Hospital - Titre: Infirmière agressée : un homme de 69 ans d’Acadieville a été arrêté, puis libéré
Headline: Assaulted nurse: 69-year-old man from Acadieville arrested and released - Titre: Le commissaire à la santé devrait analyser les conséquences de la réforme Barrette
Headline: The health commissioner should analyze the consequences of the Barrette reform - Headline: Expert panel says country needs new agency to oversee pharmacare program
- Headline: ‘Deep-Pocketed’ Lobby Groups Are Trying to Stop Universal Pharmacare in Canada, New Report Warns
- Headline: UPDATE: Public health nurses hit the picket line (GALLERY)
- Headline: Windsor-Essex public health nurses strike, several programs cancelled
- Headline: Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare launches violence prevention campaign/a>
- Headline: Windsor-Essex public health nurses 'overwhelmingly' vote to strike at midnight
- Headline: Striking nurses collecting diapers for Downtown Mission
- Headline: Nurses rally in Windsor to back wage demands
- Headline: Changes to Manitoba's health-care system to be passed into law
- Headline: Manitoba reviewing hospital security
- Headline: Enrolment in critical care nursing course drops as WRHA pledges to recruit nurses
- Headline:Hospital attack leaves Moncton nurse injured, prompts calls for improved safety
- Headline:Man arrested after alleged attack leaves Moncton nurse with head trauma, broken nose
- Headline: Talks between INMO and government to return to Labour Court as union rejects new nurses' deal
- Headline: New nurses contract 'inadequate' - talks with government stall
- Headline:Nurses criticise ‘unreasonable’ contract offer tabled by Government
- Headline:Cork nurses reject government attempts to stretch LC recommendations
- Headline: For The 2nd Day, There Are More Patients On Trolleys At Naas Than At Any Other Eastern Region Hospital
- Headline:COTU and nurses reject plans to hire health workers on contract
- Headline:Kenya: Atwoli Opposes Move to Hire Nurses on Contract
New Zealand
- Headline:Nurses' impassioned plea in favour of pay equity: 'We can't afford to live in the communities we work in'
- Headline:Dangerous that nurses can't afford to live near hospitals, says union
- Headline:Overstretched aged care staff say residents 'lie in pain rather than making a fuss'
- Headline:Damning survey shows aged care workers are burnt out, understaffed and unable to provide adequate care
- Headline:Nurses unions launch campaign calling for greater staffing numbers at aged care facilities
Headline:Nurses with careers of 20 years earning the same as new colleagues is an “atrocious injustice,” says union - Manchete: Milhares de enfermeiros na marcha pela enfermagem em Lisboa
Headline:Thousands of nurses on the march for nursing in Lisbon - Manchete: Marcha dos enfermeiros. Sindicato vai protestar na Organização Internacional do Trabalho
Headline:Nurses march. Union will protest at the International Labor Organization
South Africa
- Headline:Yusuf Dadoo doctors clean and cook for patients after workers down tools
- Headline:Yusuf Dadoo employees are demanding answers
- Titular: Las víctimas de maltrato denuncian un 20% más si les atiende una enfermera
Headline:Victims of abuse report 20% more often if a nurse attends to them - Titular: 48 médicos y dos enfermeros han dirigido la política sanitaria: un resultado que no convence a Satse
Headline:48 doctors and two nurses have directed health policy: a result that does not convince Satse - Titular: Satse pide la colaboración ciudadana para acabar con los disfraces de 'enfermera sexy'
Headline:Satse calls for citizen collaboration to end 'sexy nurse' costumes - Titular: «Un solo enfermero no puede atender a 16 pacientes en una planta hospitalaria»
Headline: «A single nurse cannot treat 16 patients in a hospital facility» - Titular: SATSE acusa al INGESA de infringir "el plazo de apertura de la bolsa de trabajo"
Headline: SATSE accuses INGESA of infringing upon "the job board opening period" - Titular: Podemos anuncia aumentar el número de enfermeras de la comunidad si gana las elecciones
Headline:We can announce an increased number of nurses in the community if you win the elections - Titular: SATSE denuncia falta de enfermeras en la planta de Pediatría del hospital Infanta Margarita
Headline: SATSE denounces the lack of nurses at the Infanta Margarita Pediatrics Hospital - Titular: SATSE reclama al SESCAM un concurso de traslados "abierto y permanente"
Headline:SATSE demands SESCAM implement an "open and permanent" transfer process - Titular: Satse exige más recursos si crecen las competencias para los enfermeros
Headline:Satse demands more resources if scope of work for nurses grow - Titular: Satse critica las medidas de incentivación de la Junta al “discriminar”a los enfermeros y fisioterapeutas
Headline:Satse criticizes the incentive measures by the Board that "discriminate" against nurses and physiotherapists - Titular: Satse vuelve a reclamar que los colegios tengan un enfermero escolar
Headline:Satse returns to demand that schools have a school nurse - Titular: El personal de enfermería pide apoyo para que la ley fije un máximo de pacientes por profesional
Headline:Nurses ask for support for law that sets a maximum number of patients per nurse - Titular: Petición en bloque para que los fármacos peligrosos sean "factor de riesgo"
Headline:Petition to block dangerous drugs classified a "risk factor" - Titular: Satse pide valentía a las administraciones para acabar con las desigualdades laborales
Headline:Satse calls for courage from administration to end labor inequalities - Titular: SATSE denuncia ante el SESPA la precaria situación de los eventuales
Headline:SATSE denounces to SESPA the precarious situation of eventualities - Titular: Piden una ley para que todos los enfermeros de Castilla-La Mancha tengan los mismos pacientes
Headline:Demands for a law so that all nurses at Castilla-La Mancha have the same number of patients - Titular: Satse propone a Jesús Aguirre un proyecto de Ley contra las agresiones a los profesionales sanitarios
Headline:Satse proposes to Jesús Aguirre a draft law over aggressions against health professionals - Titular: Las mujeres son víctimas del 88% de agresiones que sufre el personal sanitario en Córdoba
Headline: Women are victims of 88% of aggressions suffered by health personnel in Córdoba - Titular: Satse urge al SES aplicar permisos para profesionales por ingresos de mismo familiar
Headline:Satse urges SES to grant permission to professionals for family member income - Titular: Satse pide que el Parlamento de la Región apoye una Ley que garantice la seguridad del paciente
Headline:Satse demands regional parliament support a law that guarantees the safety of patients - Titular: Satse pide al Sescam que se reconozca a Enfermería y Fisioterapia como grupo A
Headline:Satse demands Sescam recognize Nursing and Physiotherapy as group A - Titular: Satse alerta de que las mujeres fueron "principales víctimas" de las agresiones a profesionales en 2018
Headline:Satse warns that women were "main victims" of the aggressions against professionals in 2018 - Titular: El SATSE denuncia la falta de uniformes para enfermeros del CHUO
Headline:SATSE denounces the lack of uniforms for nurses at CHUO - Titular: El Satse presiona para evitar la conversión de dos plazas de enfermeros en estatutarios en Ponferrada y Cacabelos
Headline:Satse presses to avoid the conversion of two places for nurses in Ponferrada and Cacabelos
United Kingdom
- Headline:Some nurses still stand up when doctors enter the room – Hancock
- Headline:Focus: A brief history of men in nursing
- Headline:Scottish hospitals 'stretched to breaking point' as number of nursing vacancies reaches record high
- Headline: UK nurses unite over 'punishing' pay deal in Northern Ireland
- Headline:Hundreds of NHS nurses worse off despite pay rise
United States
- Headline:Headline: It's time for legislators to prove democracy exists by passing Medicare for All
- Headline:St. Alexius nurses vote to unionize
- Headline:ANA Nurses Not Ready To Follow Union On Medicare For All
- Headline:'They May Have the Money... We Have the People': Sanders Calls for Citizen Co-Sponsors of Medicare for All
- Headline: Labor unions wield increased clout in crowded Democratic 2020 race
- Headline:Medicare-For-All’ Gets Buzzy In Unexpected Locales
- Headline:Budget cuts: Trump fiscal plan is a right-wing wish list
- Headline:Minnesota Hospitals Charge Average of 212 Percent More Than Cost of Care, Study Finds
- Headline: D.C. officials drop lawsuit seeking to prevent Providence Hospital closure
- Headline:'Medicare-for-all' gets unexpected surge of support, even in red states
- Headline:Take on the Fossil Fuel Bosses
- Headline:Hospital groups say public option would cut payments by 10%
- Headline:Big Pharma, Insurers and Hospitals Team Up to Kill Medicare for All
- Headline:Nurses at O’Connor and St. Louise hospitals vow to strike Tuesday
- Headline:Nurses walk out after sale of hospitals to Santa Clara County
- Headline:Capitol Tracker: No new single-payer health care bill introduced this year
- HeadlineCHI St. Alexius nurses vote to unionize with Minnesota Nurses Association
- Headline: DFL South Metro Senior Caucus meeting is March 13
- Headline:Exposing Medicare for All Imposter
- Titular: Enfermeras se declaran en huelga al sur de la Bahía
Headline:Headline: Nurses declare strike in South Bay