
DC RNs Picket Hospital Powerbroker’s Fundraiser for Alexander

Photos by: Jay Mallin

Registered nurses from District of Columbia hospitals, joined by community allies, picketed a fundraiser for DC Councilwoman Yvette Alexander hosted by a hospital industry powerbroker last night to step up the call for the DC City Council to move forward on a critical patient safety bill.

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Alexander, who chairs the Council’s Health Committee, was one of 10 council members who co-sponsored the Patient Protection Act when it was introduced by Council Chairman Phil Mendelson in February.

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"But Alexander has yet to schedule a committee hearing on the safety bill as the hospital industry has waged a furious lobbying campaign against it," said National Nurses United (NNU).

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“How many more patients and their families must be put at risk while hospitals throughout the District maintain unsafe conditions?" said Sandra Falwell, a neo-natal intensive care unit RN at Children’s National Medical Center and an NNU Vice-President.

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"It’s long past time for a hearing and for the full Council to have the opportunity to vote on this vital bill.” - photo courtesy NursesHealDC