Health and Safety press releases

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Group of nurses on picket line

Machias nurses and technicians deliver petition of no confidence in chief executives

Registered nurses and technicians at Down East Community Hospital in Machias, Maine, delivered a petition of “no confidence” in the hospital’s chief executive officer (CEO), chief financial officer (CFO), and chief nursing officer (CNO) to the Chair of the DECH Board of Trustees on June 16 to demand changes to protect and improve patient care.

Maine State Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee
June 20, 2024

Nurses outside hold signs "Patients First in the Hospital", "Patients First in the Community", and "Don't Close Trauma and Heart"

Nurses and community members to hold a ‘Lives Lost’ rally to illustrate the deadly consequences of HCA’s proposed closure of Regional Medical Center’s trauma center

As members of a coalition of community members representing patients and healthcare workers committed to safeguarding equitable access to medical services for all San Jose residents, registered nurses with California Nurses Association will take part in “Lives Lost” rally on Thursday, June 13.

California Nurses Association
June 11, 2024

Group of nurses with raised fists, holding signs "Protect Nurses, Patients, Public Health"

NNU invited to join CDC’s HICPAC workgroup on infection prevention

National Nurses United is proud to announce that Jane Thomason, its lead industrial hygienist has been invited to join the workgroup of the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Also, Lisa Baum, lead occupational safety and health representative at NNU affiliate New York State Nurses Association, has been invited to join HICPAC.

National Nurses United
May 22, 2024

Hannah Drummond testifying in front of Senate hearing

Union nurse speaks out at U.S. Senate field hearing on the dangers of corporate greed in health care

At this field hearing of the Primary Health and Retirement Security Subcommittee of the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) committee, Hannah Drummond, RN, was featured among several witnesses speaking to the ways corporate greed endangers patient care and health care workers.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
April 3, 2024

John Muir Health nurses holding picket outside hospital

Concord nurses to hold informational picket for improved patient safety, a major factor in recruiting and retaining nurses

Registered nurses at John Muir Health, in Concord, Calif., will hold an informational picket to highlight their serious patient safety concerns, including staffing challenges and workplace violence issues.

California Nurses Association/National Nurses United
March 25, 2024

Large group of nurses in hospital hallway, two hold signs "Patients First"

University of California nurses to hold rally for patient safety

UC registered nurses from across the state will hold a rally to highlight their ongoing patient safety concerns, including overcrowding in emergency departments, patient privacy violations, and the CDPH's failure to respond appropriately to these concerns with thorough and transparent investigations and reporting.

California Nurses Association/National Nurses United
March 13, 2024

Bonnie Castillo, RN, Executive Director of NNU at podium surrounded by nurses holding signs "Protect Nurses, Patients, Public Health"

NNU condemns CDC’s decision to shorten the five-day isolation guidance for Covid-19

Slashing the Covid isolation guidance from five days to potentially just 24 hours based on the presence of fever ignores the available scientific evidence that people with Covid infections often remain infectious well beyond five days.

National Nurses United
March 6, 2024

Large group of nurses outside hospital holding banner "Strong Union, Nurses, Veterans"

Durham VA nurses to hold speakout and rally for safe patient care and RN retention

Registered nurses at the Durham VA Medical Center in Durham, N.C., will hold a protest on Thursday, March 7, to demand that the VA address their concerns about patient safety, staff moral distress, and lack of flexible work schedules to retain nurses at their facility.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
March 5, 2024

Group of nurses outside Saint Louis University Hospital holding banner "SSM Health: Invest in Patient Care!"

Nurses at SSM Health SLU Hospital to hold candlelight vigil for patient safety

Registered nurses at SSM Health Saint Louis University Hospital (SLUH) in St. Louis, Mo., will hold a candlelight vigil for patient safety on Thursday, Feb. 29. SLUH nurses are fighting for patient safety and a fair contract that addresses their concerns about nurse retention and recruitment.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
February 27, 2024

Four nurses insid hospital. Two sitting, two standing.

Machias nurses and technicians at Down East Community Hospital to hold rallies for patient safety

Union nurses and technicians at Down East Community Hospital in Machias, Maine, will hold rallies on Friday, Jan. 26 and on Saturday, Jan. 27 to demand management address patient safety, chronic short staffing, and staff retention.

Maine State Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee
January 25, 2024