CNA's Successes Lead to Formation of NNOC
NNOC Founder CNA Experiences Decade of Growth
In 1995, members of the California Nurses Association voted to end ties with the American Nurses Association and embark in a new direction. Under direct-care nurse leadership, CNA adopted a program to reallocate resources to unionize RNs, strengthen contracts, confront hospital industry attacks on RN jobs and RN practice, and enact new legislative and workplace protections. CNA's success led to the founding of NNOC in 2004 to bring the same level of accomplishment to a national level.
CNA's Legislative Breakthroughs for RNs and Patients include:
- First mandated RN-to-patient ratio legislation in the nation.
- Whistleblower protection for caregivers who expose unsafe conditions.
- Millions of dollars in increased funds for nursing education.
- Prohibition on outsourcing telephone call centers.
- Ban on unlicensed staff providing phone medical advice.
CNA's Dramatic Contract Gains for RNs include:
- Salaries up to $125,000 a year for career RNs.
- Paid service credit for RN experience in or outside the United States.
- Retirement security with guaranteed pension plans and retiree health benefits.
- Pay differentials for charge nurses and preceptors.
- No cancellation or call-off policies.
- Bans on mandatory overtime and unsafe floating.
- Direct care RN and NP patient care monitors, paid by the employer and selected by CNA.
- Charge nurses call in additional RNs to resolve short staffing.
- Unified thousands of RNs into statewide master contract agreements increasing collective power for RNs to advocate for themselves and their patients