NNU PPE decontamination statements and materials

Submitted by ADonahue on
N95 Masks

Beginning in March 2020, many hospitals and other healthcare employers have turned to decontaminating single-use N95 respirators to be reused multiple times, given reports of PPE shortages. Several states have now begun reopening but have not taken substantial action to increase PPE production. Instead states and employers are relying on potentially dangerous decontamination methods. NNU has evaluated the available evidence on decontamination methods and determined NO METHOD IS BOTH SAFE AND EFFECTIVE. Please click on the following links to find out more about these unsafe and unproven methods.

Press releases

nurses holding signs outside White House

Nurses demand states close again until COVID-19 protection, testing, tracking measures in place

National Nurses United announced today that areas of the country which have loosened shelter-in-place measures must close again and work harder, along with the federal government, to contain COVID-19 and protect public health. Nurses say the recent all-time high in positive cases and hospitalizations in many locations across the country underscores their demand.

National Nurses United
June 25, 2020

N95 Masks

MNA and NNU Renew Call for Halt of COVID-19 Mask Decontamination Processes After UMass Scientist Questions Safety of Re-Used Masks Due to Lack of Rigorous Testing

The Massachusetts Nurses Association (MNA) and National Nurses United (NNU) have renewed their calls for an immediate halt to COVID-19 mask decontamination processes because the testing of decontaminated masks fails to meet established scientific standards.

Massachusetts Nurses Association/National Nurses United
June 16, 2020

Attempting to decontaminate masks

Nurses: Reuse, Decontamination of Masks Endangers Health Care Workers

National Nurses United today rebuked new federal guidance encouraging hospitals and other health systems to allow multiple reuse and/or decontamination of N95 respiratory masks that nurses say will put thousands of health care workers at grave risk.

National Nurses United
April 6, 2020