Medicare for All

Astronomical health care costs and lack of access continue to drive individuals, families, and businesses past their breaking point while insurance companies continue to soak-up billions of health care dollars. Medicare has provided guaranteed health care for millions of seniors for more than 51 years. It’s time we have a Medicare for all, single-payer health care system that would end health disparities, effectively control costs, and assure that everyone has equal access to an excellent standard of care.

Nurses’ Campaign to Win Medicare for All: National health care survey final results
People across the United States cannot afford the care they need and view Medicare for All as the solution to the health care crisis. Read our new report to learn more »

Medicare for All Act fact sheet
Learn more about the reintroduced Medicare for All Act and how it would finance comprehensive, high-quality health care for everybody in the United States. Learn more by reading our fact sheet »

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