Press Release
Up to 1,000 RNs, Activists to Rally in Sacramento Friday To Press Support for Guaranteed Healthcare

NNU Leader RoseAnn DeMoro to Speak to CA Democrats Saturday
Up to 1,000 registered nurses and grassroots activists from across the state will rally outside the State Capitol late Friday afternoon, followed by a march to the Sacramento Convention Center to press the case for critical legislation to guarantee health coverage for all Californians and an end to out of control co-pays and deductibles.
The rally begins at 5 p.m. on the West Steps of the Capitol, featuring former Ohio State Senator Nina Turner, Sen. Ricardo Lara (tentative) and Sen. Toni Atkins (confirmed) – co-authors of SB 562 which would establish a Medicare for all-type single-payer system in California – and leaders of the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United, lead sponsor of SB 562.
Both the rally and march coincide with the opening of the California Democratic Party convention. CNA and NNU Executive Director RoseAnn DeMoro is scheduled to address the Convention Saturday morning at approximately 11:30 a.m..
Preceding the rally, nurses will also pay visits to a number of state legislators to urge them to support SB 562. The next action on the bill comes Monday with a hearing by the Senate Appropriations Committee.
RNs visit state legislators, 12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Rally, West Steps, Capitol, 5 p.m.
March to Sacramento Convention Center, 6 p.m.
CNA/NNU Executive Director RoseAnn DeMoro speaks to Democratic Party Convention, Sacramento Convention Center, approximately 11:30 a.m.
Key features of SB 562 include:
- Every Californian eligible to enroll, regardless of age, income, employment or other status.
- No out of pocket costs, such as high deductibles and co-pays, for covered health services
- Comprehensive coverage, including hospital and outpatient medical care, primary and preventive care, vision, dental, hearing, women’s reproductive health services, mental health, lab tests, rehab and other basic medical needs
- Lower prescription drug costs
- Long term care services provided under Medi-Cal continue, and will be expanded with an emphasis on community and in-home care
- No narrow insurance networks, one medical card, real patient choice of provider
- Huge cost-savings from reduced bureaucracy
- No insurance claims denials based on corporate profit goals and threats from bill collectors
- Funding through a consolidation of resources currently spent on health coverage, including federal payments for Medicare and Medicaid (Medi-Cal), major savings from elimination of insurance waste, other bureaucracy, and profits with coordinated planning on health resources, and added revenues through a progressive tax mix