Press Release
Robin Hood Will Search City for World Leaders

With world leaders of the G-8 nations fleeing the U.S.’ third largest city by moving their May summit to the rural woods outside Washington, the nation’s largest nurses union will bring Camp David and the G-8 summit back to Chicago for a special event on Friday, May 18.
With the help of Robin Hood’s band of merry women and men, National Nurses United, joined by healthcare, labor and other community activists, and guests from other G-8 nations, will reconstruct Camp David in Chicago and conduct a search for the absent G-8 leaders.
In a public event, the nurses, Robin Hood, and friends, will seek to remind the global leaders, who have abandoned Chicago of the daily plight of their constituents who have been fleeced by the world banks and the 1 percent, of the need to return some of that wealth through a Robin Hood tax on financial speculation.
Activists will begin with a morning forum, open to the press, on the perils of global austerity programs, and how activists around the world are fighting back to improve living standards for working people and stop the attacks on public services. That event will be held at the Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers.
Beginning at 11 a.m., the nurses and friends will begin a march traveling along portions of Michigan Avenue, East Wacker Drive, and North State Street before ending at the reconstructed site of Camp David.
A centerpiece of the day is the call on world leaders to adopt national and international Robin Hood financial transaction taxes on major trading by banks and other financial institutions to raise revenue critically needed for revitalizing the economic health of the U.S. and other G-8 nations.