Supported California Legislation

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Group of CNA leaders hold banner "Nurses Heal California" outside state capitol

California Nurses Association is committed to building a broad movement for transformative social change and confronting the powerful interests that dominate our economic and political system. We are proud to support legislation that reflects nurses’ values of caring, compassion, and community. Learn more about all our current supported California legislation.

S.B. 632 Reducing Workers’ Compensation Burdens For Frontline Health Care Workers

This bill reduces the administrative burden for registered nurses and other hospital workers to file a workers’ compensation claim by presuming certain injuries and illnesses are work-related. Removing barriers to filing a claim will help prevent unnecessary delays and denials of workers’ compensation claims and ensure health care workers receive timely treatment for work-related injuries and illnesses, enabling their quick recovery and return to work.

Read our S.B. 632 fact sheet

A.B. 682 Transparency in Health Insurance Denials

This bill will amend the Health and Safety Code to require California’s Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC) to collect and publicly report monthly claims denial information on each health care service plan regulated by the Department. Specifically, the bill requires regulated health plans to include information about the number and costs of denied claims in Annual Financial Statements to DMHC.

The bill would also amend the Insurance Code to similarly require collection and reporting of claims denial information by the California Department of Insurance (CDI) for other health insurers.

The bill also requires health plans to report and both DMHC and CDI to publicly disclose the number of claims denied each month disaggregated by reason for the denial, including information on denials based on lack of prior authorization, out-of-network provider, medical necessity, experimental or investigational treatment, excluded service, insufficient information, ineligibility, untimely filing, or other reasons. The bill also requires health plan reporting and public disclosure of the number of prior authorization requests denied, in-network claims denied, and claims denied using predictive algorithms.

Read our A.B. 682 fact sheet

A.B. 692 Ending Exploitative Worker Debt Contracts

A growing number of employers are using debt as an exploitative tool to trap workers in jobs, often with low wages and substandard working conditions. Sometimes called “stay-or-pay” contracts, employers coerce workers into predatory arrangements that require the worker to pay an alleged debt or other financial penalty to their employer if the worker leaves their job before a prescribed period of time, whether the worker is fired, laid off, or quits.

Legislation is needed to clarify that predatory stay-or-pay contracts that lock workers into jobs are prohibited under California law. This bill would amend the Business and Professions Code to expressly make work-related debt arrangements that include minimum work requirements void and unlawful. This prohibition on stay-or-pay contracts would be enforceable by the Attorney General and other public prosecutors under state Unfair Competition Law.

To ensure that workers themselves can bring claims to void stay-or-pay contracts with the Labor Commissioner and under PAGA, this bill would also void stay-or-pay contracts as unlawful contracts against public policy under the Labor Code.

Read our A.B. 692 fact sheet

A.B. 1386 Protecting Access to Maternity Services

This bill expands the list of basic services a general acute-care hospital must provide to include maternity services. Ensuring all communities have equitable access to safe and effective maternity services before, during and after pregnancy will save lives and improve health outcomes for women, birthing parents, and infants.

Read our A.B. 1386 fact sheet

CNA/NNU logos

Nurses applaud the introduction of A.B. 692, ending exploitative worker debt contracts

California Nurses Association applauds California State Assemblymember Ash Kalra’s introduction of A.B. 692, which would end exploitative “stay-or-pay” worker contracts that coerce workers to enter agreements requiring them to pay an alleged debt or other financial penalty to their employer if they leave their job before a certain time period.

California Nurses Association
March 11, 2025

CNA/NNU web header

California nurses applaud new bill introduced to track and expose systematic insurance claim denials

California Nurses Association and its more than 100,000 members across California today share their support for Assembly Bill 682. The new bill would mandate public reporting on the denials of insurance claims for California’s patients, something nurses believe can expose the broken trust between insurers and patients at the root of our broken health care system.

California Nurses Association
February 24, 2025

CNA/NNU web header

California nurses applaud new law that provides transparency, improves equity in nursing education

California Nurses Association, the largest union of registered nurses in the state, applauds the signing of Senate Bill 1015 by Governor Gavin Newsom. Nurses say the new law is an essential step towards ensuring clinical placement opportunities for California’s future nurses, particularly for students attending public institutions like community colleges and state universities.

California Nurses Association
October 2, 2024

CNA web header

CNA applauds Governor Newsom for signing medical debt bill into law

California Nurses Association applauds Governor Gavin Newsom for signing S.B. 1061, which would prevent medical debt collectors and health care providers from sharing medical debt information with credit reporting agencies. The bill, authored by Senator Monique Limón and sponsored by CNA, Attorney General Rob Bonta, and a diverse coalition of organizations, would also prohibit consumer reporting agencies from including medical debt on credit reports.

California Nurses Association
September 24, 2024

CNA logo

Nurses applaud governor’s veto of S.B. 1432

Registered nurses and health care workers across California applaud Gov. Gavin Newsom’s veto of S.B. 1432, which would have allowed hospital executives to delay implementation of critical seismic safety standards and risked workers’ and patients’ lives.

California Nurses Association
September 13, 2024

Close-up of a seismograph machine needle tracing seismic waves, indicative of earthquake activity, on graph paper with epicenter rings.

California nurses urge veto on dangerous earthquake safety delay legislation that places health care workers, patients, and communities at risk

Registered nurses and health care workers across California call on Governor Newsom to ensure hospitals remain open and fully functioning in the event of a major earthquake by promptly vetoing SB 1432.

California Nurses Association
September 4, 2024

Nurses in front of California state capitol building holding banners and signs: "Insist on an RN"

Nurses applaud California Senate vote to improve nursing education transparency, equity

CNA applauds the California Senate’s passage of Senate Bill 1015. The bill, authored by Senator Dave Cortese and sponsored by CNA, would ensure clinical placement opportunities for California’s future nurses, particularly for students attending community colleges, state universities, and other public institutions.

California Nurses Association
May 24, 2024

Nurses in front of California state capitol building holding banners and signs: "Insist on an RN"

CNA applauds California Senate passage of S.B. 1061 removing medical debt from credit reports

CNA applauds the California Senate’s passage (31-8) of S.B. 1061, which would prohibit consumer reporting agencies from including medical debt on credit reports.

California Nurses Association
May 22, 2024

Large group of people in park standing and sitting in front of CalCare banner, some holding CalCare signs

Nurses condemn California Assembly committee for failing to pass CalCare

California Nurses Association members condemned the California State Assembly Appropriations Committee for capitulating to corporate health care and failing to pass A.B. 2200,  the California Guaranteed Health Care for All Act, also known as CalCare, at a time when public health programs are being drastically cut and a comprehensive, high-quality single payer program would be many Californians’ only lifeline for care.

California Nurses Association
May 16, 2024

Group of nurses marching towards CA Capitol building, holding banner "Patients over Profits"

California nurses to march and rally at state capitol for California Nurses Association lobbying day May 14

Registered nurses from across California will march and rally in Sacramento, Calif., on May 14 ahead of lobby visits with lawmakers at the state capitol to discuss nurses’ priority legislation.

California Nurses Association
May 10, 2024